Conflict resolution, Maastricht–NL, year-long intervention at/near B32 artspace

Meow woof film festival, Hasselt–BE, Heerlen–NL, short film festival at De Spiegel theatre, 18/5/2024
Banqueroute, Liege–BE, group exhibition at Musee de la Boverie, 28/4/2023-13/08/2023
Museumnacht 2023, Hasselt–BE, group exhibition at Vonk Ateliers, 11/5/2023
Me in my going out of myself (and you in yours), Brussels-BE, duo exhibition with Reinier Vrancken at SB34–The Pool, 8/9/2022-22-10-2022
Defense works, Maastricht-NL, solo exhibition at l'Etalage, 26/5/22-30/6/22
a Defense, Heerlen-NL, solo exhibition at Greylight Projects, 1/4/22-15/5/22
Landschap 2.1, Sittard-NL, group exhibition at De Domijnen, 23/10/21-23/01/22
Festival of imagination, Maastricht-NL, film screening event at the ENCI quarry, 18/9/2021
Landschap 2.0, Sittard-NL, group exhibition at De Domijnen, 13/12/20-31/01/21
Art au centre, Liege-BE, group exhibition, 8/10/20-31/12/20
The map is not the territory, Maastricht-NL, group exhibition at B32 artspace, 07/11/19-01/12/19
Fairshare, Hasselt-BE, self-publishing fair at CIAP during Museumnight 9/5/19
Nowhere zine #3 launch, Brussels-BE, zine launch and pop-up group exhibition at SB34, 16/3/19
Where widowed objects meet orphaned ideas, Hasselt-BE, group exhibition at CIAP, 18/11/18-17/2/19
Museumnight 2018, Maastricht-NL, group exhibition-part of Overgangszone at the Museum of Natural History, 12/4/18
Overgangszone, Maastricht-NL, site specific group exhibition-part of Overgangszone, 1/9/17-3/9/17
Reviewing Authorship, Brussels-BE, graduation exhibition at the LUCA School of Arts, 22/6/17-26/6/17
Transplant, Tilburg-NL, group exhibition-part of the Apprentice/Master programme at Kunstpodium-T, 3/2/17-17/2/17
Primetime, Maastricht-NL, solo exhibition at Peace Stone Studios Show Room in Maastricht, 10/2/17-12/2/17
The Apartment Series #2: a love affair, Zürich-CH, group exhibition, 10/2/17-12/2/17
U U & ME, Amsterdam-NL, group exhibition at W139, 10/6/16-26/6/16

B32 Artspace
Center for Artistic Sensibilities (CAS)